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05 June 2024

10 Years of The QMC - Ferry Project Partnership

In 2014, there was an event held at the Queen Mary Centre to mark the grand opeining of the Queen Mary Centre under the new management of the Ferry Project.

This was to be a collaborative approach, headed by the Ferry Project but included other management partners such as Cambridgeshire Council, LEADA and The King's Church Wisbech.

Ten years since this partnership began, and the Queen Mary Centre has developed into a thriving community asset from a building that was earmarked for demolition and at risk of closure.

Last year (2023) The Queen Mary Centre served over 70 ,000 people out of the framework of this building. And quite remarkably, we have 300 appointments for well-being clinics delivered out of this building every week.

From lunch clubs to dog shows and pretty much everything in between, we have secured this building for its future succession and we have created a sustainable customer base.

Who knows what the next chapter may bring?



10 Years of The QMC - Ferry Project Partnership
Overlay for stylistic purposes



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